Casey at the Bat response

“Casey At The Bat” is an sport-themed poem by Ernest Lawrence Thayer about a baseball game. Casey is the best player at the bat in the Mudvilles. But the team is losing and he is the last at bat everyone thinks he can save the team OR so he thought.  When the ball comes to him he misses everything, in the end the Mudvilles lost. It is clear that Casey is too confident.       

Casey is too confident because he thought he would win the game. The author states that when Casey came in, “There was pride in Casey’s bearing and a smile on Casey’s face.” This evidence demonstrates that Casey was way too confident because he walked in thinking he was going to win. When people walk with a smile and lots of pride that shows he is not nervous and thinks he is going to save the game.

Casey might be a good baseball player but a really good one would pay attention to the game. He was careless to not swing at the second throw. Casey didn’t care that he struck the first 2 and he blamed it on the pitcher. The author wants you to remember to not make assumptions and that nobody is perfect.


Innovation Day Reflection 2025

Innovation day just happened, and this year’s theme for grade 5 was bionic implants. My friend and I made a bionic arm. We chose the bionic arm because we thought that it would be cool to make an arm.

We learned a lot from the project I will say some of the more important stuff. Did you know there are 2 types of bionic arms,one of them is called traditional bionic arm and the other one is the high tech bionic arm.In traditional bionic arms you wear a harness that has cables that connect to the shoulder strap of the harness, and when you pull your shoulder up your hand closes and when you let is rest it opens. In high tech bionic arms there is a robot in the arm that tells the brain and the nerves when the arm is going to move.

The process of making the arm was fun.We made the arm out of plastic, bottles, clay, tinfoil, straws, paint and paper.First we cut the plastic bottles and made them the arm, then we took paper and covered it with the paper. Then for the palm and finger we used clay and wrapped it with tinfoil.

When I saw the middle schools projects the amazing.For grade 6s innovation day projects they made games that are coded that you could actually play. For grade 7s innovation day project they made a habitat for almost extinct animals. Someone made a koala cave witch was great. For grade 8s projects they made things that help the world like someone made a ball holder someone made a can opener. They were all great.

my public speaking

hello this is my public speaking speach.

(Play the theme tune to the simpsons and pause) I’m sure all of you recognise this music, this is the theme tune to The Simpson TV show. Hello my name is Raz, student of ms. M, and I have been watching The Simpsons my whole life with my family.

Today I will be telling you about The simpsons. Have you ever wondered about the history of The Simpsons? What about the voice actors? Have you thought that it’s not suitable for younger children? Did you know how The Simpsons have predicted the future? If you don’t believe me then listen up and Let’s get started…


The Simpsons show started in 1987 as a cartoon on the Tracy Ullman show, on the Fox broadcasting company and it has been running since, For 37 years! The Simpsons actually have a world record for the longest TV show ever. There are 768 episodes in 35 seasons! Some episodes of the simpsons teach history such as frida kahlo, a successful artist, American history, popular culture, different countries and some episodes are just fun and funny.


Voice actors, 

If you have ever watched the simpsons there are hundreds of characters there, but did know that there are only six main voice actors. Some of them do the voices of more than 30 characters! For example – Dan Castellaneta acts as Homer Simpson, Grandpa Simpson, Krusty the clown, Mayor Quimby and a lot more. The other main voice actors are: Julie Kavner (Marge Simpson), Nancy Cartwright (Bart Simpson), Yeardly Smith (Lisa Simpson), Hank Azaria (Moe, Apu and Disco Stu) and Harry Shearer (Mr Burns, Principal Skinner and Ned Flanders). Did you know that each of those 6 voice actors earn about half a million dollars per episode. That’s a lot!!


 You might think The Simpsons is not appropriate for younger children but I have been  watching The Simpsons since I was 2 years old with my brother. When I was little I understood it differently than I do now and I will understand it  differently when I’m a teenager and differently when I’m grown up. That’s the beauty of The Simpsons – you see it in a different way every time.


Did you know that the Simpsons predicted so many things? They actually predicted more than 30 different predictions during all the episodes. Let’s look at some of the most famous predictions: In 1988 season 2, there was a three eyed fish as a nuclear mutation, 23 years after in 2011 a fisherman caught a real 3 eyed fish near a nuclear plant in Argentina.I searched up a picture and it’s gross. The most famous predictiction was in season 11 in the year 1998. Lisa has become the president after Donald Trump! It was 18 years before he became the president. Can you believe it?


The Simpsons is an amazing show. It is my favorite show. I think everyone should watch it, at any age. The writing is amazing and funny and always interesting.

science project

Howdy everyone I am going too tell you about my science project I did it with my friends there also writing on there blog the blog name’s are animal lover and Yaarae.

So now I am going to get to the explaining so start

Rocks and minerals. 


There are always rocks and minerals being formed every second! There are three types of rocks igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic.

The rock cycle.

When magma cools it turns into igneous rock and then weathering and lithification and that turns it into sediment then compassion and cementation makes it sedimentary rock then heat and pressure turns it into metamorphic rock then it melts back to magma.

We made a volcano and we are going to make it explode.That is going to be fun but a big mess😏.Our other thing is in minecraft I don’t have minecraft but my friends do and we made a museum and in the ground there is a cave with crystals. Here is a picture of the volcano.

My hobby

Hello everyone I hope your having a great day [:

I believe everyone has a hobby even if people  don’t know it.So I am going to tell you about my hobby.

My hobby is to sketch.If you don’t know why it is because it is very calming and I think I am pretty good at it.If you don’t know what your hobby is maybe you should try to find out what you really like it could be anything.Maybe even even sketching I mean it is very calm fun and you can erase your mistakes and even if there is mistake you learn from them.So have fun finding you hobby.

You can try sketches it is very fun so maybe try.

Here is a picture of 2 of my drawing in case you wanted to see some.

Okay that’s it for today have a great rest of your day and never forget that everyone has a hobby.Okay byeee![:

cookie evacuation

Hello everyone I started rocks and minerals and I did an experiment I did a cookie evacuation I did something bad I took all the chocolate chips out of the cookie but it represented the earth and I took all the rocks and minerals out of the earth with out damaging it. Here is a picture.


It ended up being broken.

Okay that’s it for now I hope you enjoyed it byee!!!!!!!