cookie evacuation

Hello everyone I started rocks and minerals and I did an experiment I did a cookie evacuation I did something bad I took all the chocolate chips out of the cookie but it represented the earth and I took all the rocks and minerals out of the earth with out damaging it. Here is a picture.


It ended up being broken.

Okay that’s it for now I hope you enjoyed it byee!!!!!!!


mythical creature

Hello everyone.My creature is called a booger they are very rare and strong.They have a power of killing people with cuteness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They other powers are they can breath under water  and they can use magic.Its purpose is to be cute. He has Chinese dragon legs, phoenix wings,Nessie arms,cockatrice tail,Wampus cat ears,Cerberurs head,external gills of an axolotl,Jackolope body and last but not least a unicorn horn!!! Here is a picture of the creature.

Do you like my creature I hope you do

Stop motion

Howdy everyone!!! We read the book the wild robot so we did make a stop motion project I really hope you enjoy it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is my script.

This is my set design.

Here is my story board.


This is a picture of my group working I was there. You just cant see me.


I really hope you enjoyed the film!

This is the front cover if you want to read it I really enjoyed the book I hope you will if you read it bye everyone!!!!!!!!!
The Wild Robot: 9781848127272: Books -


Hello everyone I am telling you about SOUND  enjoy 

Sound is made of vibrations moving through matter such as air.

In our middle ear, we have something called the eardrum. This eardrum picks up the vibrations from the sound. When sound waves hit your eardrum, your eardrum vibrates.

When sound travels through the air, your outer ear catches them. the outer ear directs the sound waves into your ear through the ear canal. As you can see from the above diagram, the ear canal is a narrow pathway compared to the outer ear. The sound waves that are picked up push against your eardrum and make your eardrum vibrate.

As your eardrum vibrates it makes the three tiny bones in the middle ear move. These bones are called the auditory bones. These bones send the vibrations to the shell-shaped part of the inner ear called the cochlea. This area is filled with liquid and lined with thousands of tiny hairs. The sound vibrations make the liquid move, and this makes the hairs wave back and forth. The hairs are joined to nerves that send a signal to your brain. your brain then lets you know what you are hearing. It sounds like a complicated process. Well, this all happens in less than a second.

I did an experiment with a cup and a string.

This is me and my friend using cups to hear each other. Please go check out her blog her blog name is Skycoo_forevers blog, she also has a bunch of stuff and it is amazing.

What we did:

This is what you need to make it 2 cups and 1 string.This is how you  make it, cut a tiny hole in each center of the cup get your string put it in the tiny hole tie the string when its in the hole, and that is how to make it.

I hope you enjoyed it goodbye everyone have a great rest of your day.



hello everyone this is another blog post.

I did a experiment where I took a flashlight and 3 cards that had a hole in the middle and 1 card that didn’t have a hole in the middle. I lined the 3 that had a hole in the middle and put the 1 that didn’t have a hole in the middle at the end seeing if the flashlight would shine through the the 3 with the hole onto the 1 that didn’t have a hole and it worked.


here are some examples of natural and artificial sources of light.

natural                                                            artificial

sunlight glow worms and  fire flies                           fire works light bulb and glow sticks

I did another experiment where I took a mirror and a flashlight and took other stuff and saw if it would touch the sealing. Stuff like clay black paper  white paper and another mirror.

things that worked                              things that didn’t work

a mirror white paper                           black paper clay


I did another thing were I had a beaker filled with water I put a pencil in the beaker and it got bigger and it bent it was so cool and after that

I put a coin in the water and it got so big but it wasn’t a real coin though.But they didn’t  actually have my eyes see the 2 mediums for both of them .

I did an experiment about transparent translucent and opaque here is a picture showing what is what


Refraction is THE BENDING OF LIGHT! The pencil looks bigger and broken because of the way our eyes see thing in air vs water


hello world today i’m going to talk about habitats We have been studying habitats in science.

Did you know that 90% of the ocean hasn’t been explored?Did you also know there are more than 500 species  of sharks in the ocean .You know that the ocean is  10,935 meters .

Click here for my Canva about   habitats

Click here for my Blooket about habitats

Here is my video

I think I could improve on the details of the habitat. I think I did well on the canvas.

Roz’s Recount

Roz’s recount
I was alone when pinecones fell on my head.Oh I hate pinecones. I went to find shelter. I found a cave. Oh no! I saw bears so the bears saw me. The bears quickly chased me ! So I ran and the bears chased me into a pinetree !I was really scared. The sister bear went grrrrrrrr the brother bear growled. When the bears were talking I climbed up the tree. The bears were wondering where I was so I threw pine cones at them so they would go and because I did not want to hurt them. Suddenly we heard a big growl. The bears looked at each other and ran away so at last I went down and sat for a while.